Sunday, December 4, 2016

Update from Farm-Team: Prototyping Update #1: sensor with nanoESP

Prototyping Update #1

Added visualisation on iobroker with values supplied over MQTT


  • I had a NanoESP (aka. Pretzel-) board, which is basically a Arduino Nano board with integrated ESP8266 chip sold in Conrad Electronics (German retailer)
  • Built a prototype of the sensor node using the NanoESP basically to prove our concept at an early stage
  • The board would be reading Analog input of a connected hygrometer
  • We powered the setup with a 5V 5 Ah portable usb powerbank (pink device on the left)
  • The (pink) powerbank powers the board via usb

  • The board connects to an AP and the data is published over UDP
  • Afterwards we started sending the data over MQTT whicht is supported by the nanoESP board. 


  • Hygrometers 3.3 - 5 V operartional current
Already available: NanoESP board, powerbank, breadboard, etc.


  • Measuring  analog (moisture) value every 30 seconds
  • Sending data over udp to connected devices
  • Sending data over MQTT
  • Battery lasts about 16 hours

Sensor testing and calibration

Used free Android UDP Receiver App to get values while connected to the device 

Code with data transmission over UDP

UDP transmission

#define DEBUG true

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <NanoESP.h>
SoftwareSerial esp8266(11, 12); // RX, TX void setup() { Serial.begin(19200); esp8266.begin(19200); //Long Timeout needed for RST and settings of WLAN-Data esp8266.setTimeout(5000); if (sendCom("AT+RST", "ready")) { debug("RESET OK"); } if (configAP()) { debug("AP ready"); } if (configUDP()) { debug("UDP ready"); } //shorter Timeout for faster wrong UPD-Comands handling esp8266.setTimeout(1000); } void loop() { if (esp8266.available()) { int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); Serial.println(sensorValue); delay(100); /* constraint function will limit the values we get so we can work better with map * since I only need values in the bottom limit of 300, will make it the outer limit and 1023 the other limit */ sensorValue = constrain (sensorValue, 300,1023); // print the values returned by the sensor //Serial.println(sensorValue); // create a map with the values // You can think we have the 100% to 300 and 0 % to 1023 wrong, but no ! // 300 - or 100 % - is the target value for moisture value in the soil // 0% of humidity - or moisture - is when the soil is dry int moisture = map (sensorValue, 300, 1023, 100, 0); String output = String(moisture) + "%"; Serial.println(output); sendUDP(output); } } //-----------------------------------------Config ESP8266------------------------------------ boolean configAP() { boolean succes = true; succes &= (sendCom("AT+CWMODE=2", "OK")); succes &= (sendCom("AT+CWSAP=\"NanoESP\",\"\",5,0", "OK")); return succes; } boolean configUDP() { boolean succes = true; succes &= (sendCom("AT+CIPMODE=0", "OK")); succes &= (sendCom("AT+CIPMUX=0", "OK")); succes &= sendCom("AT+CIPSTART=\"UDP\",\"\",55005,55006", "OK"); //UDP Bidirectional and Broadcast return succes; } //-----------------------------------------------Controll ESP----------------------------------------------------- boolean sendUDP(String Msg) { boolean succes = true; succes &= sendCom("AT+CIPSEND=" + String(Msg.length() + 2), ">"); //+",\"\",90", ">"); if (succes) { succes &= sendCom(Msg, "OK"); } return succes; } boolean sendCom(String command, char respond[]) { esp8266.println(command); if (esp8266.findUntil(respond, "ERROR")) { return true; } else { debug("ESP SEND ERROR: " + command); return false; } } String sendCom(String command) { esp8266.println(command); return esp8266.readString(); } //-------------------------------------------------Debug Functions------------------------------------------------------ void serialDebug() { while (true) { if (esp8266.available()) Serial.write(; if (Serial.available()) esp8266.write(; } } void debug(String Msg) { if (DEBUG) { Serial.println(Msg); }

Code #2 with MQTT instead of UDP

#include <NanoESP.h>
#include <NanoESP_MQTT.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#define SSID "XXXX"
#define PASSWORD "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
#define LED_WLAN 13
#define DEBUG true
#define mqttBroker ""
#define mqttClientId "NanoESP"
#define mqttPort 1183

NanoESP nanoesp = NanoESP();
NanoESP_MQTT mqtt = NanoESP_MQTT(nanoesp);

void setup() {

  nanoesp.configWifi(STATION, SSID, PASSWORD);

  if (nanoesp.wifiConnected()) {
    Serial.println ("Wifi connected");
    digitalWrite(LED_WLAN, HIGH);
  else {
    Serial.println ("Wifi not Connected");
  //Print IP in Terminal
  Serial.println (nanoesp.getIp());
  if (mqtt.connect(0, mqttBroker, 1883, "NanoESP")) {
  Serial.println ("MQTT connected");
  if (mqtt.publish(0, "test", "Sensor node initial connection", 1, false)) Serial.println ("Published to test");
  if (mqtt.subscribe(0, "test", 1)) Serial.println ("Subscribed to test"); 
  if (mqtt.subscribe(0, "moisture", 1)) Serial.println ("Subscribed to moisture");

void loop() {
  int id, len;
  int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); 
  sensorValue = constrain (sensorValue, 300,1023);
  int moisture = map (sensorValue, 300, 1023, 100, 0);

  if ( {
    Serial.println("MQTT ok comencing...");
    } else {
      Serial.println("Setting up MQTT connection");
  if (nanoesp.recvData(id, len)) {
    String topic, value;
    if (mqtt.recvMQTT(id, len, topic, value)) {
      Serial.println ("New Message:\nTopic=" + topic + " Value=" + value);
  mqtt.publish(0, "moisture", String(moisture));
  //if (mqtt.disconnect(0)) Serial.println("MQTT disconnected");

//-----------------------------------mqtt connection

void mqttConnect() {
  if (mqtt.connect(0, mqttBroker, 1883, "NanoESP")) {
    Serial.println ("MQTT connected");
    if (mqtt.publish(0, "test", "Sensor node reconnected", 1, false)) Serial.println ("Published to test");
    if (mqtt.subscribe(0, "test", 1)) Serial.println ("Subscribed to test");
    if (mqtt.subscribe(0, "moisture", 1)) Serial.println ("Subscribed to moisture");

    //if (MQTT_Unsubscribe(0, "test")) debug("Unsubscribed from test");
    //if (MQTT_Ping(0)) debug("Ping send ");
    //if (MQTT_Disconnect(0)) debug("Disconnect");